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How to choose and maintain the conference room seats

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How to choose and maintain the conference room seats

Date of release:2016-07-27 Author: Click:


Conference chair selection:

There are several contrasting aspects of the conference chair materials; the conference chair back and the seat shell. Conference chair color, never change color, environmental protection. Conference chair tripod; conference chair sponge and so on. Conference chair inserts: Conference chairs, also known as meeting chairs, as the name implies, everyone uses a piece of furniture during meetings or meetings during the operation, which can be divided into solid wood, curved wood, steel wood, and plastic. Meeting chairs are usually associated with major events of the company, such as business negotiations or internal resolutions of the company. They represent the local image of the company, so the chair of the conference chair is particularly important.

The conference chair should be stain-resistant and not faded. Conference chair armrest surface: no fading, anti-deformation, beautiful appearance. Mesh conference chair seat bag; conference chair seat structure; conference chair side panel beautiful and neat; conference chair writing board: can be set as front and back type; conference chair fastening screw; conference chair seat shape: The plan fits ergonomics and is comfortable.

Conference chair maintenance:

1. Please keep the room ventilated to avoid being too boring or moist.

2, the conference chair leather absorption is strong, please pay attention to anti-fouling.

3, the conference chair once a week with a clean towel dipped in water, wring out, repeat the light wipe and dry with a dry plush towel.

4. If there is stain on the leather/clothing, use a special cleaning agent for foaming, and do not use strong cleaning products to clean the meeting chair. If you want to overturn the beverage on the bow chair, immediately dry it with a clean cloth or sponge and wipe it with a damp cloth to allow it to dry naturally.

5. There are stains on the steel chair frame of the conference chair. In order to adhere to the gloss of the conference chair, it can be wiped with a clean dry cloth. In case of stubborn stains, you can spray a few Bi Lizhu on the surface, do not use a hair dryer, and then use a flannel to scrub.

The address of this article:http://en.zonman.cn/news/372.html

Key word:Conferencechairmaintenance,Conferencechair,Conferencechairarmrest

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